今年以来,罗岗财政所按照年初规划,大力支持村办企业,为村办企业的发展壮大安上了“助跑器”。元至七月,共对10个村办企业投入资金86万元,提供有价值信息26条,帮助销售产品960多万元,使这些企业上半年共实现产值5905万元,利税813万元,分别比去年同期增长60.81%和61.32%。 为使“助跑”得力,他们一是加强组织领导,成立专班,制订支持村办企业发展规划、措施和具体实施方案。二是实行目标考核,引入竞争机制。层层签订责任状,充分
Since the beginning of this year, Luogang Finance Office has vigorously supported the village-run enterprises in accordance with the plan at the beginning of the year and has provided “runners” for the development and expansion of village-run enterprises. From January to July, a total of 860,000 yuan were invested in 10 village-owned enterprises, providing 26 pieces of valuable information and helping to sell over 960 million yuan of products. These enterprises realized a total output value of 59.05 million yuan and a tax of 8.13 million yuan in the first half of the year, Up 60.81% and 61.32% over the same period of last year respectively. In order to make the “runaway” effective, they first have to step up their organization and leadership and set up special classes to formulate plans, measures and specific implementation plans for supporting the development of village-run enterprises. Second, the implementation of target assessment, the introduction of competition mechanisms. The layers of responsibility signed, full