5月26日,中国国务院总理李克强在柏林与德国总理默克尔举行会谈后,出席孔子学院总部与德国各州文教部长联席会关于加强语言教学合作的谅解备忘录、与德国洪堡大学关于设立中国研究基金教席的谅解备忘录签字仪式。On May 26,Berlin,after meeting Premier Li Keqiang and Chancellor Merkel attended the signing ceremony of Memorandums of Understanding on enhancement of coopera-
On May 26, after Chinese Premier Li Keqiang held talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin, the two sides attended a memorandum of understanding on strengthening cooperation in language teaching between the headquarters of the Confucius Institute and the German State Department of Culture and Education, and held discussions with the German Humboldt University on the establishment of a Chinese study Fund chairman’s memorandum of understanding signing ceremony. On May 26, Berlin, after meeting Premier Li Keqiang and Chancellor Merkel attended the signing ceremony of Memorandums of Understanding on enhancement of coopera-