话说吾小学时,同桌是一个身高6尺的凶悍女生,这与吾不足5尺的身高形成鲜明的对比。可怜吾坐在她身旁,就如伴虎般心惊胆战。那时吾好给人起外号。同桌名中有一个“青”字,吾便灵机一动随口一个“青菜萝卜干”,如此一来,吾同桌的绰号就诞生了。吾每每叫此号,心中总有股报复般的快感,尽管吾同桌一听此绰号,就如当年朱元璋听到僧人来复写的《谢恩诗》一般,气不打一处来,总是抡起拳脚,打得吾嗷嗷乱叫。(可见吾比那和尚幸运得多!) 小学毕业时,吾揣着吾同桌送的几个乌青,一把鼻涕、一把泪,(别误会,不是伤心而是喜极而泣。)乐颠颠地向她挥手告别——吾总算熬出头了。
When I said that in elementary school, the same table was a fierce female student with a height of 6 feet, which was in stark contrast to my height of less than 5 feet. Poor I was sitting next to her, just as timid as a tiger. At that time I would give someone a nickname. There was a “C” in the name of the same table, and I took the initiative to casually serve a “dried vegetable and dried radish.” As a result, the nickname of my table was born. Whenever I call this number, my heart always feels revenge-like pleasure. Even though I listened to this nickname at the same desk, it is as if Zhu Yuanzhang had heard the deaf person reprinting the “Shien Poem” in general. Get up and kick your hands and beat yourselves. (See that I was much more lucky than the monk!) When I graduated from primary school, I took a few Wu Qings I sent at the same table. I had a nose and a tear. (Don’t misunderstand it, it’s not a heart-breaking heart, but I cry.) Waving her goodbye to her - I’ve always had a good time.