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炎热的夏季,是植物孕育果实的好时机。有了果实,就有种子,而有了种子,则意味着新生命的旅程即将开始。种子一旦成熟,不管是任何草本或是木本植物,都将会放飞它们心中的希望,任凭其远走高飞,生根落地。我在厂生活区闲逛时,常会有一团似白又似透明,似有似无的东西出现在我的视野里,那是一团随风飘浮的棉絮。这团棉絮极其疏松,呈椭圆形,每一处小空洞都分布得均匀无暇,一颗种子被棉絮环抱其中。它就像滑翔运动员一样,驾驶着这团棉絮,在广阔的天际中随风游荡,四处邀游,寻找着自己的理想胜地。大自然的杰作,让我叹为观止,一颗木棉树的种子,都被精雕细琢得 The hot summer is a good time for plants to bred fruit. With fruit, there is seed, and with seed, it means the new life journey is about to begin. Once the seeds mature, whether it is any herbaceous or woody plants, will fly their hopes, let it fly away, take root. When I was hanging out in the living area of ​​the factory, I often saw a group of things that seemed white and seemingly transparent appeared in my field of vision. This ball of cotton extremely loose, oval, every small hole are evenly distributed, surrounded by a seed of cotton. It is like gliding athletes, driving this ball of cotton, wandering in the wind in the vast sky, inviting around to find their own ideal place. Nature’s masterpiece, let me marveled, a seed of kapok tree, have been crafted