青藤碱(Sinomenine)是青风藤所含有的主要生物碱。青风藤为防己科防己属植物青藤Sinomenium acutum(Thunb)Rend et wils的茎。具有祛风湿、通经络之功能。《本草纲目》记载主治“风疾、风湿流注……风湿痹痛”。现用于治疗风湿性关节炎、关节肿痛、肌肤麻木、瘙痒。我国曾当作汉防己使用。对青藤碱的研究已进行了50余年之久。确定青藤碱为青风藤的有效成分。我国和日本已将其制剂应用于临床。青风藤在我国各地都有
Sinomenine is the main alkaloid contained in green barnacles. Caulis Sinomenium acutum (Thunb) Rend et wils stems from the genus Isophora. With rheumatism, through the meridians function. “Compendium of Materia Medica” records the indications “wind disease, rheumatism flow, rheumatism and pain.” It is now used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, joint swelling, skin numbness and itching. China used to be used as Hanfang. Research on sinomenine has been conducted for more than 50 years. It was confirmed that sinomenine is an effective component of green barnacles. China and Japan have applied their preparations to the clinic. Qingfengteng has all over China