1912年,法国语言学家Antoine Meillet首先提出“语法化”这个词,以概括语法化这种语言现象。从那时起,该理论激发了近代语法化研究的发展,西方语言学家针对这一语言现象进行了大量的研究。我国语言学家从20世纪80年代开始对这一理论进行研究,并将这一理论与汉语中的实词虚化相结合,取得了巨大的成果。本文旨在运用语法化理论对汉语助词“的”的语法化过程进行分析,以揭示这种语言现象背后的规律,进而彰显语法化理论的普适性。
In 1912, the French linguist Antoine Meillet first proposed the term “grammaticalization” to generalize this linguistic phenomenon. Since then, the theory has stimulated the development of modern grammaticalization research, and western linguists have done a great deal of research on this linguistic phenomenon. Since the 1980s, Chinese linguistics scholars have studied this theory and have made great achievements by combining this theory with the actual Chinese language. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the grammaticalization process of the Chinese auxiliary “” using grammaticalization theory so as to reveal the law behind the linguistic phenomenon and further demonstrate the universality of the grammaticalization theory.