Age and Thermal History of the East Ore Section,Bayan Obo Deposit-A Fission Track Study

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hgjiao
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Considerable attention has been paid in recent years to the study of geothermal histo-ry by using spontaneous fission tracks of 238U recorded in minerals. Apatite and zircon were used for fission track study in this paper because apatite has been widely used as a natural geothermometer (Wang Shicheng et al., 1994) to reveal the thermal evolution of sedimentary rocks based on its low annealing temperature of fission tracks and zircon is characterized by a closing temperature above 700℃. The samples were collected from ferruginous, siliceous slate wall rock at the upper levels of the orebody and Nb-REE-Fe ores from deep tunnels. The age and thermal evolution of the orebody were discussed in terms of fission track characters and their length variations observed in the coexisting apatite and zircon in the same specimen. Considerable attention has been paid in recent years to the study of geothermal histo- ry by using spontaneous fission tracks of 238U recorded in minerals. Apatite and zircon were used for fission track study in this paper because apatite has been widely widely used as a natural geothermometer ( Wang Shicheng et al., 1994) to reveal the thermal evolution of sedimentary rocks based on its low annealing temperature of fission tracks and zircon is characterized by a closing temperature above 700 ° C. The samples were collected from ferruginous, siliceous slate wall rock at the upper ages of thermal ore bodies and Nb-REE-Fe ores from deep tunnels. The age and thermal evolution of the orebody were discussed in terms of fission track characters and their length variations observed in the coexisting apatite and zircon in the same specimen.
【摘 要】在应试教育向素质教育转变的过程中,我们初中体育工作者要总结过去,放眼未来,转变观念,剖析自己,在实践中找到突破口,在教学中要不断的改革。完成素质教育赋于我们的重任。  【关键词】放眼未来 转变观念 改变 教学模式 激发兴趣 突破  【中图分类号】G633.96  一、改变教学模式  1.体育教师自身的习惯  每位教师在多年的教学实践过程中,都能在不自觉中形成一种符合自己特征的教学模式,这
论述了建设出口煤炭货源基地的意义和基地建设的原则和依据。分析了投资参股、包销、代理、联合体和产权重组5种基地建设方式的运营和资金筹措情况。 Discusses the signifi
摘要:随着新课改的推广和国外教学理念的引入,目前初中数学课堂应当改变传统教学模式,增强师生之间的互动,激发学生的主动学习精神,通过各种方式活跃课堂,实现课堂教学改革的目标。本文从初中数学课堂教学改革的目标出发,对新方法、新模式在初中数学课堂中的应用进行了分析,对其创新实践做出了探索和展望。  关键词:初中数学;课堂教学改革;创新实践  【中图分类号】G424.21  一 、教学计划上的创新与实践 
摘要:随着经济和社会发展对人才培需求的改变,为培养应用型的工程造价管理人员,对工程概预算的教学方法和教学措施进行改革迫在眉睫。本文分析了影响工程概预算教学效果的若干因素,提出了以项目导入任务驱动法改进教学的方法,力求增强学生的应用能力。  关键词:工程概预算 项目导入 任务驱动 教学改革  基金项目:2012年泰山学院青年教师科研基金项目  G642;TU723.3-4  1.教学现状  美國、欧
近几年来,实施素质教育,美术又是素质教育的重要组成部分,随着素质教育的深入开展美术教学愈来愈被重视。美育在素质教育中的重要地位已得到大家的共识及美育的地位也随之上升。但在广阔的农村乡镇小学,美术教育的实施,推广却是另外一回事,甚至大多数农村乡镇小学美术几乎是一片空白,实在令人担忧。  我任教于农村乡镇小学美术,在这几年的教学过程中,深深地感受到要切实搞好农村乡镇小学美术课程的教学并不是一件轻松的事
本文在分析互联网搜索引擎的工作原理基础上,指出其存在的缺陷,并建立了一个旨在优化搜索引擎功能的分布协作式网络搜索引擎模型。 Based on the analysis of the working pri