【摘 要】
The Yellow River is the second largest river in our country. It originated from the Paleoquainn drainage in Bayanhar Mountains of Qinghai. It flows through Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, Mongolia, Shaanxi, Shanxi and Henan provinces and enters the Bohai Sea in northern Shandong. The total length of 5464 kilometers of the mainstream, the drainage area of 750,000 square kilometers, including an area of 400,000 square kilometers, 800-2000 meters above sea level of the Loess Plateau, the area is widespread, deep soil, from 50 meters to 150 meters, soil Loose, large pores, columnar joint development, prone to collapse after flooding and a large number of subsidence;
Acipenseriformes is a primitive group of Osteichthyan fishes. Most of its living representatives, such as Psephurus gladius and Acipenser sinensis of the Yangtz
Instructions to authorsSubmission of manuscriptsManuscripts should be submitted in duplicate to the Editorial Committee of the Chinese Journal of Geo-chemistry,
Earthquake is the best information source for describing the present-day crustal tectonic zones and crustal stress field, containing comprehensive and abundant
Experiments on sonic transmission show that a slabstone can directly transmit part of the energy of a wave excited by knocking or by a transducer into the air.
The undrained change in pore fluid pressure that accompanies dike intrusion may be conveniently represented as a moving volumetric dislocation. The concept of a