根据<国务院办公厅转发建设部等部门关于工程勘察设计单位体制改革若干意见的通知>(国办发[1999]101号)的精神和要求,结合本市的具体情况,现对市属工程勘察设计单位(以下简称勘察设计单位)的体制改革提出以下意见: 一、勘察设计单位体制改革的指导思想是:邓小平理论、党的十五大精神为指导,按照本市机构
According to the spirit and requirements of the General Office of the State Council on forwarding the opinions of the Ministry of Construction and other departments on the system reform of the engineering survey and design units (Guobanfa [1999] No. 101), in conjunction with the specific conditions of this Municipality, the survey of municipal engineering is now underway. The institutional reform of the design institute (hereinafter referred to as the survey and design institute) puts forward the following opinions: 1. The guiding ideology for the structural reform of the survey and design institute is: Deng Xiaoping Theory and the spirit of the Party’s 15th National Congress, in accordance with the municipal organization