
来源 :中国水土保持 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:z18388596
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水土保持效应是反映生态移民生态效应的重要指标之一,生态移民水土保持效应的价值评估是关系到生态移民的功能有效性、农户补偿力度与政府政绩考核的一个重要问题。基于国内现有相关研究成果不足的现状,以山西省吉县4个乡镇7个行政村为研究案例区,采用“3S”方法、费用-效益分析、问卷调研及深度访谈、土样室内分析等方法,对生态移民迁出村的水土保持效应进行了价值评估。研究结果表明,吉县研究区的生态移民工程带来了较为显著的水土保持效应,这种效应主要源于土壤肥力损失的减少,同时具有一定的地域差异性。 Soil and water conservation effect is one of the most important indicators to reflect the ecological effect of ecological migration. The value assessment of soil and water conservation effect of ecological migration is an important issue that relates to the function and effectiveness of ecological migration, the compensation of farmers and the assessment of government achievements. Based on the current status quo of the lack of relevant existing research results in China, seven administrative villages in 4 townships in Jixian County of Shanxi Province were selected as case study areas. The “3S” method, cost-effectiveness analysis, questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews were conducted. Analysis and other methods to evaluate the effect of water and soil conservation on the ecological migration out of the village. The results show that the ecological resettlement project in Jixian County has brought significant soil and water conservation effect, which is mainly due to the decrease of soil fertility loss and the certain geographical difference at the same time.