航空发动机火焰筒的大孔包括主燃孔和掺混孔,将多斜孔壁冷却方式应用到真实环形燃烧室的火焰筒壁上,运用CFD软件,通过数值模拟的方式,计算研究整个燃烧室的温度分布,特别考虑了火焰筒壁温的分布,对近壁区的流场进行计算研究。研究分析表明:内外环壁热侧大部分区域温度都保持在1 000 K~1 100 K,在材料的长期许用温度范围内;同时针对外环壁主燃孔和掺混孔附近的局部高温点,提出冷却方案,改善了近壁区的流场分布,对改善高温点起到了很好的效果,最大幅度降低达13.2%,壁面温度更加均匀,对降低热应力水平,延长火焰筒使用寿命有利。
The large bore of the aeroengine flame tube includes the main burring hole and the blending hole. The multi-slanted hole wall cooling method is applied to the flame tube wall of the real toroidal burning chamber. By means of numerical simulation, the whole combustion chamber The distribution of the temperature of the wall of the flame tube is especially considered, and the flow field in the near wall is calculated and studied. The research shows that the temperature of most of the hot side of the inner and outer ring walls are maintained at 1000 K ~ 1 100 K within the long-term allowable temperature range of the material. Meanwhile, in view of the local high temperature Point, the proposed cooling scheme to improve the distribution of flow field near the wall, to improve the high temperature has played a very good effect, the most significant reduction of up to 13.2%, the wall temperature is more uniform, to reduce the thermal stress level and extend the life of the flame tube favorable.