已知孕妇静脉注入葡萄糖可影响胎体活动及呼吸,但低血糖对胎儿血液动力学影响报道尚不一致。本文介绍2例孕妇低血糖所致胎儿心动过缓。 例1,孕38周经产妇,因宫缩痛入待产室,其产前经过和前二次分娩经过顺利,BP134/90mmHg,HR124~132bpm,R24~28次/min,T36.8℃,宫口开7cm,未破膜,以16号针开始静脉输入林格氏液,但未给予药物,孕妇取半卧位,胎儿监护显示胎儿心动过缓(80~90bpm),改变孕妇体位或面罩吸氧无
It is known that intravenous glucose in pregnant women can affect the carcass activity and breathing, but the impact of hypoglycemia on fetal hemodynamics is not the same. This article describes two cases of hypoglycemia in pregnant women caused by fetal bradycardia. Example 1, pregnant 38 weeks after the mother, due to uterine contraction into the delivery room, the prenatal and pre-delivery through the second child, BP134 / 90mmHg, HR124 ~ 132bpm, R24 ~ 28 times / min, T36.8 ℃, Mouth open 7cm, not rupture of the diaphragm, 16th needle intravenous infusion of Ringer’s solution, but did not give drugs, pregnant women take semi-recumbent position, fetal monitoring shows fetal bradycardia (80 ~ 90bpm), change the posture of pregnant women or mask Oxygen-free