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建筑总平面图是一个建设项目的总体布局,是建筑设计过程中很重要的环节,主要反映新房屋的位置、朝向、标高、道路和绿化的布置、地形、地貌等以及与原有环境的关系和邻界情况等,是新建房屋施工定位、施工放线、土方工程以及绘制施工总平面图的依据。由于总平面设计一般在方案设计和初步设计阶段就已基本确定,且其内容涉及面广,需要建筑、结构、设备等各专业协调配合,其设计好坏将直接影响到建筑设计的成功与否,因此,在一些较大规模的建筑群体设计过程中,设计单位一般都组织由规划、建筑、结构、水电设备等组成的设计组亲临现场进行查勘,以收集第一手资料,这样可以在设计者脑海里形成较深刻的印象。同时,核对、修正已取得的由建设方提供的相关设计资料,然后建筑师根据规划要点及各专业的具体要求,结合现场实际情况,综合考虑如建筑朝向、间距、退让距离、道路布置、排水情况,土方填挖量是否经济合理以及有关管线平面是否整齐、合理且经济等因素,进行总平面布置,在此基础之上,进行建筑设计。 The general plan of the building is the overall layout of a construction project. It is a very important link in the process of building design. It mainly reflects the location, orientation, elevation of the new house, the layout of the road and the afforestation, the topography, the landform, etc. and the relationship with the original environment Neighborhood and so on are the basis for the construction orientation of new houses, the release of earthwork, earthworks and the drawing of the general plan of construction. As the general graphic design in the program design and preliminary design stage has basically been established, and its content covers a wide range of needs, construction, structure, equipment and other professional coordination, the design will have a direct impact on the success of architectural design or not Therefore, in some large-scale construction community design process, the design unit generally organize the design team composed of planning, construction, structure, hydropower equipment to visit the site for survey to collect first-hand information, so that in the design The mind formed a deeper impression. At the same time, the relevant design information obtained by the constructor has been checked and corrected. According to the planning points and the specific requirements of various professions, the architects shall take into account the actual situation of the project, taking into account such factors as the orientation of the building, spacing, concession distance, drainage, drainage The situation, whether the amount of earthwork excavation is economical and reasonable and the pipeline layout is neat, reasonable and economical and other factors, the total layout, on this basis, the architectural design.
深秋的傍晚,西下的夕阳映红了晚霞,一只孤鹜正向南方飞去;遥远的天际,清澈的秋水接近天边,相互交融为美丽的一线。这幅来自王勃名句“落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色”的秋景图,宁静中蕴含生机,动态中流露安谧,将自然的和谐勾画得如在眼前。  清代诗人尚镕有诗云:“自到江湖来,外人咨不休。倘非子安序,此阁成荒陬!”因为王勃,使一座阁楼千年不朽,也因为一座阁楼,让不得志的文人发了一回对命运的感慨。不知是滕王阁
出 血 热辽宁:9月份报告发病64例,比上月下降3-03%,比去年同月上升60-00%,本年累计比去年同期累计上升107-10%。炭  疽陕西:9月份报告发病7例,无死亡。报告发病数比上月上升6倍,比去年同期上升75-00%。发病分布
人类祖先的施恩与受恩,逐渐形成心灵深处的感恩文化。感恩使人与人、人与社会紧密连结,唤醒沉睡在内心的感恩情怀,是每个人要用实际行动去不懈追求的目标。 The graciousnes