大连远洋运输公司“山海关”轮服役22年了,在2年零2个月没进厂、一年没回国内的情况下,于今年4月回到大连旅顺船厂修船。船厂一溜排着五六条船,逐条走上去看看,还属“山海关”船况最佳。 过去的船一年一厂修,近几年为控制成本,实行视情厂修。那么,“山海关”轮是如何能把修船期限延长到2年零2个月呢?首先靠的是—— “维修保养不欠帐” 这是“山海关”轮的口号。不欠帐就是该干的活一定干完,决不交给下一个班:不欠帐就是能干的活一定自己干,决
Dalian Ocean Shipping Company “Shanhaiguan” round of service for 22 years, 2 years and 2 months did not enter the factory, did not return to China one year, in April this year, back to Dalian Lushun Shipyard repair. Shipyard slipped five or six boats, went up one by one to see, but also a “Shanhaiguan” the best shipping conditions. In the past, the ship was repaired every year. In recent years, for the purpose of cost control, factory repairs were carried out according to circumstances. So how can the “Shanhaiguan” round extend the period of repairing to 2 years and 2 months? The first thing to do is to rely on “maintenance and non-arrears” which is the slogan of the “Shanhaiguan” round. Do not owe the account is the dry work must be done, never to the next class: do not owe the account is capable work must do it yourself