黄苇先生早先从事中国近代经济史研究 ,2 0世纪 70年代后专治方志之学 ,并取得了丰富的成果 ,可以说是新中国涌现出的一大批方志学者的代表。研究这些学者的方志学理论 ,对总结新方志学的发展和指导新方志编纂实践有着重大的理论意义与现实意义。本文仅就黄苇先生的方志学理论
Mr. Huang Wei had been engaged in the study of the economic history of modern China in his early years. He specialized in the study of local chronicles after the 1970s and has made a lot of achievements. It can be said that a large number of local chronicles emerged in New China. Studying the theory of chorography of these scholars has great theoretical and practical significance to summarize the development of new chimera and guide the compilation of new chorography. This article only on the theory of the dialect of Mr. Huang Wei