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饲养龙鱼为我们的生活增添了不很多乐趣,同时在饲养过程中也或多或少会给饲主带来一些额外负担。特别是龙鱼患病期间精神状态萎靡,观赏价值大打折扣。看着爱龙遭受疾病侵扰,极大地考验饲主的心理承受能力和对龙鱼疾病的处理能力。疾病重在预防,那么在日常管理过程中如何做好疾病的前期防控,避免各种疾病侵袭是日常饲养的主要工作之一。应该如何设防,做到防患于未然呢? Raising arowana adds a lot of fun to our lives and at the same time adds some additional burden to the owner more or less during the rearing process. Especially during the illness of Arowana malaise, ornamental value greatly reduced. Love Dragon suffering from the disease looked invaded, greatly test the owner’s mental capacity and ability to deal with Arowana disease. Disease focus on prevention, then in the daily management of how to do a good job in the prevention and control of the disease, to prevent the invasion of various diseases is one of the main routine feeding. How to fortify, so take preventive measures?
真正的修养不追求任何具体的目的,一如所有为了自我完善而作出的努力,本身便有意义。对于“教养”也即精神和心灵的完善的追求,并非朝向 True self-cultivation does not pu
在(22±1)℃海水温度下,以初始体重(180~220)g的半滑舌鳎为研究对象,分别在配合饲料中以土霉素浓度为0 mg·kg~(-1)和125 mg·kg~(-1)拌料投喂,研究半滑舌鳎后肠中好氧菌耐药
[目的]探讨淮河流域贝类体中PAHs污染情况,为淮河居民安全食用贝类提供科学依据。[方法]在淮河中下游干流吴小街和浮山集两处采集悬浮物、沉积物物和贝类样品。将1 L水样抽真
We collected fish abundance data in the Changjiang(Yangtze River) estuary and adjacent waters in November 1998,May 1999,November 2000,and May 2001.Using the dat
目的 观察乙型肝炎病毒相关性肾炎 (HBV -GN)患者肾脏组织中HBsAg、HBcAg的表达情况。方法 以 6 3例HBV -GN患者为研究对象 ,另随机选择 2 0例非乙型肝炎病毒相关性肾炎 (N
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of theworld-famous detective, Sherlock Holmes ②, wasnot above③ telling tales about himself in which hewas the laughing-sto