一、当前云南通货膨胀原因及对策 1993年以来,随着全国物价水平的上涨,云南物价急速上升,由1992年的7.7%升至1993年的18.9%,演成了建国以来最严重的通货膨胀。这次通货膨胀中,出现了一些不同于上次通货膨胀的“怪”现象,市场平淡与物价上涨并存,需求膨胀与需求不足并存,存大于贷与资金紧张并存,宏观经济的通胀与部分企业的停滞并存,这些现象仅用一般解释通胀原因的说法已不足说清问题。
I. Causes and Countermeasures of Current Inflation in Yunnan Since 1993, with the rise in the national price level, Yunnan’s prices have risen sharply from 7.7% in 1992 to 18.9% in 1993, and have become the most serious inflation since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. . In this inflation, there have been some “strange” phenomena that are different from the last one. The market’s dullness coexists with rising commodity prices. Demand expansion and demand are co-existent. Existence is greater than loan and capital tension coexist. Macroeconomic inflation and some enterprises The coexistence of stagnation, these phenomena only use the general explanation of the causes of inflation is insufficient to clarify the issue.