1临床案例患者,男,86岁。因全身皮疹伴瘙痒3 d于2010-10-6入院。入院前20 d因患“腰椎退行性骨关节病”而自行服用“阿仑膦酸钠片70 mg 1次/周及碳酸钙D3 1片”治疗,未服用其他药物,第三周时渐出现四肢及胸腹部散在红色皮疹伴轻微瘙痒,未引起重视。次日,皮疹渐增多,向面部、四肢扩展并融合成片,瘙痒明显,自行外擦“三九皮炎平软膏”无效而就诊。既往患“高血压病、慢性阻塞性肺疾病、慢性肾功能不全”病
A clinical case of patients, male, 86 years old. Due to systemic rash with itching 3 d in 2010-10-6 admission. 20 days before admission due to suffering from “lumbar degenerative joint disease” and take their own “alendronate sodium tablets 70 mg 1 times / week and calcium carbonate D3 1 tablets ” treatment, did not take other drugs, the third Gradually appeared on the limbs and thoracoabdominal week scattered with a small red rash with itching, did not pay attention. The next day, the rash gradually increased, to the face, limbs expanded and fused into pieces, itching was obvious on their own external rub “39 skin dermatitis ointment ” invalid and treatment. Previously suffering from “hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic renal insufficiency” disease