很少有人知道,中华人民共和国成立两个 月之际,人民解放军数千名官兵,在极其困难的 条件下穿越塔克拉玛干大沙漠,留下了一段鲜 为人知的故事。 选择“死路” 塔克拉玛干沙漠,一个神秘的地方,维吾尔 族人称它“进去出不来”;西方人叫它“死亡之 海”。大批中外探险家在此失踪,更使它染上了 一层恐怖色彩。晋代高僧法显路过这里时,在 《佛国记》里描述:沙河中多有恶鬼热风,遇者皆 死,无一余者。行走时惟以死人枯骨为标识。
Few people know that on the occasion of the founding of the People’s Republic of China two months ago, thousands of officers and soldiers of the People’s Liberation Army passed through the Taklamakan Desert in extremely difficult conditions, leaving behind a little-known story. Select the “dead end” Taklamakan desert, a mysterious place, Uyghur people call it “do not come in” ; Westerners call it “sea of death ”. A large number of Chinese and foreign explorers missing here, but also it infected with a layer of horror. When the eminent monk Fa Jin in the Jin Dynasty passed by here, he described in the book “The Buddhist Kingdom”: there are many evil spirits in the Shahe River, and those who are dead are all dead. Walking dead but the dead bones for the logo.