庆祝全国水利水电施工技术信息网成立25周年 《水利水电施工》创刊20周年技术经验交流会暨《水利水电工程施工手册》首发仪式开幕词

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各位领导、各位来宾、全体代表: 全国水利水电施工技术信息网成立25周年、《水利水电施工》杂志创刊20周年技术经验交流会暨《水利水电工程施工手册》首发仪式现在开始。首先允许我代表全国水利水电施工技术信息网、代表网长单位——中国水利水电工程总公司及各位副网长单位向在百忙中抽空出席会议的各位领导、各位专家、各位来宾表示衷心的感谢和热烈的欢迎,向应邀参加会议并展示新技术、新材料、新机具、新工艺的有关厂家、公司的代表表示热烈的欢迎,向出席这次盛会的全体网员单位的代表表示亲切的问候和敬礼!(一一介绍主席台上就座的领导和专家) 各位代表,大家恐怕还记忆犹新,1997年在三峡(湖北、宜昌)召开庆祝施工信息网成立20周年时,正好是党的“十五大”刚刚结束,我国的两大河流——长江三峡工程二期截流、黄河小浪底工程截流的前夕。这次盛会是在党的“十六大”光辉指引下召开的,是在我们广大水利水电建设者欢度了三 Ladies and gentlemen, Ladies and Gentlemen, Representatives: The 25th anniversary of the establishment of the National Water Resources and Hydropower Construction Technology Information Network, the exchange of experience in the technical experience of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of “Water conservancy and Hydropower Construction” magazine and the starting ceremony of “Handbook for the Construction of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Projects” are now under way. First of all, let me express my heart-felt gratitude to all the leaders, experts and distinguished guests who took the time to attend the meeting on behalf of the National Water and Hydropower Construction Technology Information Network and the representatives of the unit head of the network, China Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering Corporation, and the Vice President Units And a warm welcome, warmly welcomed the representatives of relevant manufacturers and companies invited to attend the conference and displayed new technologies, new materials, new machines and new technologies, and extended warm greetings to the representatives of all the network members who attended the event Dear Delegates, I am afraid you still remember what happened. In 1997, when the Three Gorges (Hubei, Yichang) were held to mark the 20th anniversary of the construction information network, it was just the party The 15th National Congress of the CPC has just ended. The two major rivers in China, the second stage closure of the Three Gorges Project and the closure of the Xiaolangdi Project on the Yellow River, are just around the corner. This event was held under the glorious guidance of the party’s “16th National Congress” and was celebrated by the majority of water conservancy and hydropower builders
近几年来,新发表的化学、化工文献的增长速度已有所减慢。在1976—1980期间,美国化学文摘(CA)所登录的文献数目平均每年的增长率为4.6%;而在 In recent years, the newly p
介绍了长潭水电厂按照无人值班要求对事故备用电源自动控制系统进行改造的策略和措施,供同行们参考。 Introduced the strategy and measure of Changtan Hydropower Plant
非洲初步行动指明前进方向发展中国家的城市发展速度最快,因而对水和卫生设施的需求最大。联合国人类居住规划署(UN HABITAT)的Anna Kajamulo Tibaijuka在最近的一次发言中强
2002年9月,伊朗夏赫比谢抽水蓄能电站在停工10a后重新施工。设计人员必须根据新的地震谱模拟现已灌浆的导流隧洞。 In September 2002, Iran’s Shaheepyche Pumped Storage
一、水是一种特殊的商品 水是一种无可替代的、有限的自然资源,水的不可替代性,水的有限性,在一定程度上制约着社会的发展,水资源不是商品,所以它没有价值。但是自然资源的