今年7月6日,联合国艾滋病规划署发布2004年艾滋病报告。报告称,2003年,全世界有480万人染上艾滋病病毒,是感染人数最多的一年。截至2003年底,全世界艾滋病感染者有3780万,去年有290万死于艾滋病。自艾滋病发现至今,已有2000万人死于这种疾病。 还从没有一种疾病能像艾滋病这样,在如此短的时间内给人类带来这么大的灾难。也从来没有一种疾病能像艾滋病这样,病毒的祸害横行的踪迹,竟然如此的扑朔迷离,错综复杂。在源头上搞不懂弄不通艾滋病,谈预防和治疗就没有底气,就不可能有大作为。与其心急火燎地想出成果,还不如静下心来仔细观察艾滋病这个恶魔,究竟从何而来;就像在抓捕逃犯之前,首先要认清他的真面目一样。
July 6 this year, UNAIDS 2004 AIDS Report. The report said that in 2003, 4.8 million people were infected with HIV in the world, making it the most infected year. By the end of 2003, there were 37.8 million people living with HIV in the world and 2.9 million people died of AIDS last year. Since the AIDS epidemic, 20 million people have died of this disease. There is never a single disease that can bring such a catastrophe to mankind in such a short period of time as AIDS. There has never been a single disease that can be as AIDS-like. The scourge of the virus runs rampant. It is so complicated and complicated. If you do not understand AIDS at the source and you can not talk about prevention and treatment, you will not be able to make a big difference. Instead of trying to figure out the result in an ambitious manner, it is far better to stop and look closely at the devil from AIDS. Where did it come from? Just as it is necessary to recognize his true face before arresting a fugitive.