AURORA TECH公司目前向市场提供一种便携式的X射线荧光能谱仪,能够从金属或矿石样品中测定60种元素,每测一次需时不到60秒钟。这种仪器原先是国宇航局与美国矿业局为海盗登陆者号宇宙飞船观察火星的飞行任务而设计的,目前的ATX100
AURORA TECH currently offers the market a portable x-ray fluorescence spectrometer capable of measuring 60 elements from metal or ore samples in less than 60 seconds per test. This instrument was originally designed by NASA and the U.S. Bureau of Mines for the mission of Mars on the Vostok spacecraft to observe Mars, and the current ATX100