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新课程标准下,一部分教师不把思想品德课教学当回事,极不重视,受片面追求教育部门组织的量检测,取得所谓的好成绩的影响,思想品德课教学始终处于无足轻重的地位,教师只是注重语文、数学、外语的教学,学生智力因素的培养,轻视学生的非智力因素。这种教学方式严重干扰学生的学习活动,致使学生产生逆反心理。教师不重视学生的个性差异,不进行因材施教,学生学习的积极性降低了。教师不断更新教育观念,加强小学生思想品德教育,突出思想品德课在实施素质教育中的作用,上好每一节思想品德课,提高思想品德课的教学质量。本文对小学生学习思想品德课存在的问题及对策进行了探讨。 Under the new curriculum standard, some teachers do not regard the teaching of ideology and morality as seriously, they attach a great deal of importance and are subject to the one-sided pursuit of quantity inspection organized by the education department to obtain the so-called good grades. The teaching of ideological and moral character is always at an insignificant position. Teachers Only focus on language, mathematics, foreign language teaching, students ’intellectual factors, despise students’ non-intelligence factors. This teaching method seriously interferes with students’ learning activities, causing students to produce rebellious psychology. Teachers do not attach importance to the personality differences of students, not teaching students according to their aptitude, the enthusiasm of students reduced. Teachers are constantly updating their educational concepts, strengthening the education of pupils’ ideological and moral qualities, highlighting the role of ideological and moral classes in implementing quality education, improving ideological and moral lessons in every aspect, and improving the teaching quality of ideological and moral lessons. This article discusses the problems and countermeasures of learning Psycology for Pupils.
考察超声波清洗当归的试验参数:超声波频率、功率、清洗时间和清洗液及其温度。以自来水洗后当归的清洁度为考核目标,用250 W、40 k Hz的低频超声波清洗机清洗干燥当归。结果