克林霉素为国家基本药物之一 ,因其无须做皮肤过敏性试验故为临床常用药物。笔者近期遇到 1例克林霉素引起的过敏性反应 ,现报告如下 :患者女 ,2 1岁。因咽痛 ,鼻塞于 2 0 0 3年 6月 9日到我院医务室就诊。诊断为上呼吸道感染 ,急性咽炎。给予克林霉素磷酸酯 (清华紫光古汉 ) 0
Clindamycin as one of the country’s basic drugs, because it does not need to do allergic skin test for clinical use of drugs. I recently encountered a case of clindamycin-induced allergic reactions, are as follows: The patient female, 21 years old. Due to sore throat, nasal congestion in June 9, 2003 to our hospital clinic. Diagnosis of upper respiratory tract infection, acute pharyngitis. Give clindamycin phosphate (Qinghua Ziguang ancient Han) 0