目的了解不同职业人群乙肝疫苗复种意识现状。方法以调查问卷形式对承德市不同职业1140人进行调查。结果 1140份调查问卷,有效答卷1078份,不同职业人群中均有相当数量自己有意向及支持亲友定期复查HBV-M根据需要复种乙肝疫苗加强针人数。对乙肝疫苗加强免疫注射预防乙型肝炎相关知识的了解缺乏,成为不能进行乙肝疫苗加强免疫注射的最主要因素。结论医疗卫生职业者愿意复种率及支持亲友复种率均高于其他职业者。因此,加强对不同职业人群进行HBV-M复查与乙肝疫苗复种加强免疫注射预防乙型肝炎相关知识的宣传教育,可以有效的推动承德市乙型肝炎免疫预防工作的开展,降低人群中乙型肝炎发病率,提高群众的身体健康水平。
Objective To understand the current status of hepatitis B vaccination in different occupational groups. Methods A survey of 1140 people from different occupations in Chengde City was conducted by questionnaire. Results 1140 questionnaires, valid questionnaires 1078, a significant number of different occupational groups have their own intention and supportive relatives and friends to regularly review HBV-M according to the need for multiple hepatitis B vaccine to strengthen the number of needles. Hepatitis B vaccine to strengthen the knowledge about the prevention of hepatitis B lack of understanding, as can not be boosted hepatitis B vaccine the most important factor. Conclusions Medical and health professionals are more likely to see the rate of reinvocation and the rate of relatives and friends re-breeding than other professionals. Therefore, strengthening the publicity and education on HBV-M review and hepatitis B vaccination in different occupational groups to strengthen the immune injection to prevent hepatitis B can effectively promote the immunization prevention of hepatitis B in Chengde and reduce the incidence of hepatitis B Incidence, improve people’s health level.