现在的饭店除了生猛海鲜、川鲁粤菜,最近又推出了“社会主义新农村”菜系:玉米面大饼子小咸鱼,吃起来口感稀罕、香甜,使人陡然想起一段历史。 家常便饭,今日成为席上餐,可见世上任何事物绝无一成不变之理,事物达到一定条件,必然要向相反的方向发展或转化。艺术的体验也是如此,人们迟早要倦怠一种形式而转向另一种形式。但艺术家倒不一定非随着人们的口味变来变去,就保持你自己的状态好了,你也许就是一块玉米面大饼子,人们过去依靠你维系生命,今日寻找你是为了增加生活中的乐趣。
In addition to the lively seafood restaurant, Sichuan and Shandong Cantonese cuisine, recently launched the “new socialist countryside” cuisine: corn cake big salted fish, eat razor-thin taste, sweet, people suddenly remembered a period of history. Home-made meals today become seats on the meal, showing that nothing in the world no absolute truth, things reach certain conditions, the inevitable to the opposite direction or change. The same is true of the artistic experience, and people sooner or later have to burnout one form and turn to another form. But artists do not necessarily change non-as people’s tastes, and keep your own state, you may be a big corn cake, people in the past rely on you to sustain life, looking for you today is to increase the fun of life .