患者女,41岁。因头顶部肿块20余年,近来增大入院。近两月午后盗汗,体温37.8℃,既往有肺结核病史。体检:头颅额顶部可扣及一肿块,约6.0cm×5.0 cm,质韧,轻压痛,局部皮温正常。双侧肌力Ⅴ级,神经系统病理征未引出。CT及MRI平扫表现:额顶骨可见膨胀性骨质破坏,形成肿块向颅骨内外生长,颅骨内外板骨质破坏消失,肿块呈低密度或长T1、长T2信号,其内密度/信号不均,可见点条形
Female patient, 41 years old. Due to the top of the head for more than 20 years, recently increased admission. Night sweats in the last two months, body temperature 37.8 ℃, history of previous tuberculosis. Physical examination: the top of the skull can be buckled and a mass, about 6.0cm × 5.0cm, quality and tough, light tenderness, local skin temperature is normal. Bilateral muscle strength Ⅴ level, the nervous system pathological levy did not lead. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed that expansive bone destruction was seen in the frontal bone, and the mass grew to the inside and outside the skull. The bone destruction of the inner and outer skull disappeared. The lumps showed low density or long T1 and long T2 signals with uneven internal density / signal , Visible point bar