随着农村养殖事业的不断发展,私人在宅前宅后挖池养黄鳝的也越来越多。但是为啥有的农户饲养黄鳝会遭到失败呢?据调查了解,失败的原因主要有以下五点。 1.鳝池建造不符合要求。黄鳝是喜打洞的水生动物,鳝池稍有缝隙,便能钻出逃跑。有些农户虽用砖
With the continuous development of rural aquaculture, private homes in the dilapidated pond eel is also growing. But why some farmers feed eel will fail? According to the survey, the main reasons for failure are the following five points. 1. eel pond construction does not meet the requirements. Eel is like to play hole aquatic animals, eel pond a little gap, we can drill to escape. Although some farmers use brick