6月24日上午,平日里清静安逸的深圳龙岗区坪地镇忽然鼓乐喧天、鞭炮声声,引来当地群众和过路行人驻足观望。是老板、大款新婚之喜?还是宾馆、饭店开张大吉?原来,是一所学校校址落成的剪彩揭幕仪式。气派的大门,宽敞的校园,连成片的教学大楼……是新建的大学?还是那种收费昂贵的私立学校?都不是,是武汉体育学院在中南地区惟一的一所分校──深圳龙源学校落成。 武汉体育学院为什么要办分校?分校为什么选在遥远的深圳?…… 要了解这些问题,只有从头说起。
On the morning of June 24, Pingdi Town, Longgang District, Shenzhen, a quiet and relaxed place on weekdays, was suddenly out of drums with sound of firecrackers and attracted local people and passers-by to wait and see. Is the boss, the wealthy wedding hi? Or hotel, hotel opened? It turned out to be the opening ceremony of a school site cutting ribbon. Stylish door, spacious campus, even into a piece of teaching building ...... Is the new university? Or the expensive private school? No, Wuhan Institute of Physical Education in South Africa only a branch - Shenzhen Longyuan School completed. Wuhan Institute of Physical Why do campus? Why campus selection in the distant Shenzhen? ... To understand these problems, start from scratch.