主城区 成交多点开花,原筑壹号一路领先

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据透明售房网成交数据显示,本期主城区共成交了124套房源,其中,城东的原筑壹号表现最为抢眼。虽推盘时间没有放在人气火爆的房博会当天,而是提前到房博会的前一天,即便这样也没能挡住购房者的买房热情,100多套房源开盘当天就被抢购一空。如此火热的场景,使之毫无悬念地登上了本期主城区成交排行榜首位。另外,文教区的老盘城市芯宇、今日嘉园及市中心的宝善公寓,城东的东方红街也都挤进了区域排行榜前5位,但成交平平。 According to transparent sales network transaction data show that the main city of the current turnover of a total of 124 houses, of which, the East Building, the first one of the most eye-catching architecture. Although the push-plate time is not on the popular popular Housing Fair the same day, but ahead of the day before the Housing Fair, even if this did not block the enthusiasm of homebuyers to buy a house, opened on the day the same day more than 100 suites were sold out. Such a fiery scene, so that no suspense boarded the main city of the current transaction list. In addition, the cultural and educational areas of the old disc core city of Corella, Jiayuan Park today and downtown Bao Shan apartment, east of East Red Street also squeezed into the top five regional charts, but mediocre turnover.
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