对爪哇稻品种Lemont特征特性作了观察 ,并用其与早籼稻配组 ,发现Lemont植株形态、叶色表型、根系活力和优异品质方面具有明显特征 ,配制的杂种F1株高和穗粒优势明显。经外观标记和微卫星分子标记辅助选择 ,筛选出一些表观直链淀粉含量 (AAC)中等适宜的优良株系。快速粘度分析仪 (RVA)分析发现 ,株系间和株系内淀粉粘滞特性差异明显 ,从中鉴定出 4个RVA谱与Lemont相似的高产特优质新品系。农艺性状分析表明 ,优质品系保留了Lemont的优良特性。
The Lemont characteristics of Java rice cultivars were observed, and the combination with early indica rice was used to observe the morphological characteristics, leaf color phenotypes, root activity and excellent qualities of Lemont plants. The characteristics of plant height and grain yield of hybrid F1 were obvious . By appearance and microsatellite marker assisted selection, a number of moderately suitable fine lines with apparent amylose content (AAC) were screened out. Rapid Viscosity Analyzer (RVA) analysis revealed significant differences in starch viscosity characteristics among lines and lines, and identified four high-quality, high-quality new lines with similar RVA profiles to Lemont. Agronomic traits analysis shows that good quality retains the fine characteristics of Lemont.