I think in our school, people put too much of the students, if so, the intellectuals. They do not, in intellectual terms, subdue the student's knowledge, but rather they weaken the children and do not teach them to attach importance to manual labor. I can not say with certainty who the fault is, but the truth is, after all, the fact that it appears, to some extent, to be affected by the remnants of the ideological labor of the old days. But perhaps in this regard, the family has the greatest mistakes, but the school did not give this kind of impact the due response. There was no adequate education among schools. Students took a communist attitude toward manual labor. So many students are reluctant to go to manual labor, and they regard it as a cheap and shameful thing. I think this is a great mistake. In our country, all labor is very honorable. In our country, there is no inferior labor or higher labor. In our country, whether it is the masons of masons