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运动性中暑,是近年来提出的运动性疾病之一。它是指肌肉运动时产生的热超过身体能散发的热而造成运动员体内过热状态。实践表明,运动员在夏季训练时,都有可能发生中暑,特别是青少年运动员和长距离跑者。了解和掌握运动时中暑的症状、预防措施和现场急救方法,对保障运... Exercise-induced stroke is one of the sports diseases proposed in recent years. It refers to the athlete’s body overheated when the heat generated by the muscles exceeds the body’s ability to dissipate heat. Practice shows that during summer training athletes are likely to heat stroke, especially young athletes and long distance runners. Understand and grasp the symptoms of stroke during exercise, preventive measures and on-site first aid methods to protect the transport ...