不安全注射正日渐成为扩大免疫规划 (EPI)中不容忽视的问题。甚至在指出不安全注射有传播血源性疾病的危险之后 ,在发展中国家不安全注射仍被普遍实施。 18个国家中有 14个国家超过 5 0 %的注射是不安全的。在日本丙型肝炎的病因被认为是医源性传播。在中国只换针头的多针一管注射很普遍 ,一次性注射器的普及仍不能解决这一问题。提供足够的器材、培训、监督和正确的处理使用过的一次性注射器 ,对于保证安全注射是很关键的。
Unsafe injections are increasingly becoming issues that can not be ignored in EPI. Even after the danger of unsafe injections of blood-borne diseases has been pointed out, unsafe injections continue to be widely practiced in developing countries. Injections of more than 50% of 14 countries in 18 countries are unsafe. The cause of hepatitis C in Japan is considered iatrogenic. In China, only needles for a needle injection of a needle is very common, the popularity of disposable syringes still can not solve this problem. Providing adequate equipment, training, supervision and proper handling of used disposable syringes is key to ensuring safe injections.