根据稀溶体中第二相的Ostwald熟化的理论 ,分析计算了钢中硫、锰元素的相对含量对硫化锰在钢中的Ostwald熟化过程控制性元素的影响。计算结果表明 ,钢中硫化锰的Ostwald熟化过程的控制性元素是硫还是锰主要取决于 (Mn -R·S)是否大于C值 DMn -γRDS -γ10 5.0 2 -1162 5/T(DS -γDMn -γ- 1) ,当含锰的合金钢、低合金高强度钢和普碳钢中的锰含量大于 0 7%时 ,硫化锰的Ostwald熟化过程的控制性元素是硫
According to Ostwald ripening theory of the second phase in dilute solution, the influence of the relative content of sulfur and manganese in the steel on the controllable elements in the Ostwald ripening process of manganese sulfide in steel was analyzed and calculated. The calculated results show that whether sulfur or manganese is the dominant element in the Ostwald ripening process of manganese sulphide in steel depends mainly on whether Mn -R · S is greater than C or not. DMn -γRDS -γ10 5.0 2 -1162 5 / T (DS -γDMn -γ-1). When manganese content in manganese-containing alloy steel, low-alloy high-strength steel and carbon steel is more than 0 7%, the controlling element of the Ostwald ripening process of manganese sulfide is sulfur