多年来,财政支农工作中对支农周转金重放轻收或回收不力,周转金逾期呆滞情况严重。以我县为例,1975年至1988年逾期呆滞支农周转金达580万元,占全县财政支农周转金投放余额的65%。因此,盘活逾期呆滞周转金是缓解财政支农周转金供求矛盾的重要途径。本文拟就如何抓清收这个问题,谈几点建议。 (一)经济手段。财政部门支农主要是运用周转金来实现的,是一种经济行为。财政部门与受援对象之间,是建立在信用之上的经济关系。因此,盘活逾期呆滞支农周转金,应自始至终运用经济手段来解决逾期呆滞的问题。严格实行支农周转金管理责任制,坚持谁放款谁负责清收。对于责任放款人工作中重放轻收而造成逾期呆滞的,可以采取停职催收、限
Over the years, the work of financial support for farming revival of agriculture revival of light income or poor recovery, working capital overdue delay sluggish. In my county, for example, overdue loans from 1985 to 1988 overdraft support amounted to 5.8 million yuan, accounting for 65% of the county’s financial support for the revolving fund. Therefore, the revitalization of overdue working capital turnaround is an important way to alleviate the contradiction between the supply and demand of the financial supportive working capital. This article is about how to pay attention to this issue, to talk about some suggestions. (A) Economic instruments. It is an economic activity that the financial sector supports agriculture mainly through the use of working capital. Between the financial sector and the recipients is the economic relationship based on credit. Therefore, the liquidation of overdue loans to support the working capital should be used throughout the economic means to solve the problem of overdue dull. Strictly implement the responsibility system for supporting agriculture revolving fund management, insist on who loan is responsible for the collection. For the responsible lenders in the work of light remissions led to overdue delay, may be suspended collection