用改良的 Essen-M(?)ller 卵性简便诊断法,研究17对双生子和一产3胎所见的精神分裂症发病情况。MZ 的判断正确性达96%以上,从发病一致率中显示 MZ 有高于 DZ 的趋势,表明精神分裂症的发病机制有遗传因素存在。
The incidence of schizophrenia seen in 17 pairs of twins and one fetus and three fetuses was studied by a simple Essen-Möller test. The correctness of MZ was above 96%, which showed that MZ was higher than DZ from the concordance rate of incidence, indicating that the pathogenesis of schizophrenia had genetic factors.