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2013年9月初,荷兰一家公司宣布,他们计划推出的10年内载人登陆火星单程之旅,已经有来自全球140个国家和地区的超过20万人报名。该公司的这一计划看来并非不着边际。事实上,还有其他私人企业计划推出10年内载人前往火星之旅,美国宇航局也在酝酿载人登陆火星。那么,载人火星之旅谁将拔得头筹?“我们真的想去那儿”巴斯·兰斯多普敬畏地凝视着火星风景。美国宇航局的最新火星任务,已经让世人看清了这颗血红世界上散落的卵石、饱经风霜雕凿的沙丘以及似乎在向我们招手示意的地平线。兰斯多普回忆说,“‘旅居者号’火星车的电视画面激发了我。我们真的想去那儿。”但那时候存在一个很大的难题——据美国宇航局测算,单单一趟载人火星任务,其预算就高达5000亿美元,别说那些私人航天机构,即便财大气粗的美国宇航局也难以企及。当时是1997年,兰斯多普还是荷兰特温特大学的一名工程专业学生。16年时间转瞬即逝,如今载人探索火星思潮再度活跃。有科学家预测,首批登陆火星 In early September 2013, a Dutch company announced that they planned to launch a one-year manned Mars journey on a one-way trip over the past 10 years, already with more than 200,000 people from 140 countries and regions worldwide. The company’s plan does not appear to be marginal. In fact, there are other private enterprises planning to launch a manned journey to Mars within 10 years, and NASA is also planning a manned landing on Mars. Well, manned Mars Tour will come out on top? “We really want to go there.” Bath Landsopp reverently watched Mars landscape. NASA’s latest Mars mission has let the world see the scattered red pebbles, the weather-beaten sand dunes and the horizon that seems to be beckoning to us. Lancerd recalls, “The TV picture of the Inquisitor rover excites me and we really want to go there.” "But then there was a big problem - according to NASA estimates, A manned Mars mission has a budget of up to 500 billion U.S. dollars. Not to mention those private space agencies, even the rich and powerful NASA can hardly match. At that time in 1997, Lansdowne was also an engineering student at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. 16 years fleeting, now manned by the exploration of Mars trend of re-active. Some scientists predict that the first landing on Mars
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