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这里是全中国最繁荣的地方——人来人往,车水马龙。这里有高楼大厦,这里有车水马龙,这里有灯红酒绿,这里有西装革履和如锦彩裙。但这里也是全中国最寂寥的地方——人前人后,麻木不仁。这里也有碎砖乱瓦,也有露宿街头,这里有太多太多空洞的眼睛、麻木的身躯和迷茫的未来。这里是广州。每年都有数以万计的人们来到这座城市,希望实现他们的抱负,最后却碌碌无为,只好为了一日三餐而早出晚归。这里是广州,每天都可以看到许多衣着光鲜亮丽的男人女人,无暇享受美好的时光,将一寸寸乌发,投进尔虞我诈 Here is the most prosperous place in China - people coming and going, busy. There are high-rise buildings, there are busy, there are red and white, there are suits and suits such as Kam Choi skirts. But here is also the lonest place in China - after the ancestors, insensitive. There are also broken brick tiles, there are sleeping on the streets, there are too many empty eyes, numb body and a confused future. Here is Guangzhou. Tens of thousands of people come to the city every year, hoping to realize their ambitions. Eventually, they are not doing well, and they have to go early for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Here is Guangzhou, every day you can see many brightly dressed men and women, no time to enjoy the good old days, will be a inch of UFA, investment intrigues
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