荔枝(Litchi chinensis Sonn)为无患子科荔枝属常绿乔木。高5~20米(野生荔枝有高达30米以上、胸径近2米、冠幅15米者),主干粗壮,树皮光滑,呈棕灰色,分枝很多,向四周均匀分布,小枝有柔毛。根群庞大,根系向水平方向分布,要比树冠大1~2倍,但侧根短而较少。如生长在平地土层较薄、水位又较高的地区,根则较浅生。叶为偶数羽状复叶,小叶2~6对,互生或对生,革质,椭圆
Litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn) is an evergreen tree of Litchi chinensis Sonn. Height 5 to 20 meters (wild lychee up to 30 meters above the breast diameter of nearly 2 meters, 15 meters crown), trunk thick, bark smooth, grayish brown, many branches, evenly distributed to the circumference, the branch has pilose . Large root mass, the root distribution to the horizontal direction, 1 to 2 times larger than the crown, but the short lateral roots and less. Such as growth in the flat land where the soil is thin, the water level is higher, the roots are more superficial. Leaves even pinnate, leaflets 2 to 6 pairs, alternate or opposite, leathery, oval