Relevance of a standard food model in combination with electronic jaw movement recording on human ma

来源 :生命科学与技术进展(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:stanley45518501
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The aim of this paper is to describe the possibilities of analyzing human mastication. The development of a standardized food model is presented. Based on the findings of a systematic literature search an elastic food model was created with the aim of sta
Chronic pancreatitis is best described as a relentless, continuous inflammatory destruction of the pancreas parenchyma, characterized by irreversible destructio
1 病例资料女,42岁.因下腹坠痛、发热20天伴腰腹部胀痛7天入院.发病时下腹呈阵发性坠痛,伴低热,每日2~3次稀便,3天后入住乡医院,诊为肠炎,抗感染、输液6天,腹痛略减轻,但体温
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