一、生态学家对公共利益的关心在当前的全球性问题中,生态环境问题是最有威胁性的问题之一。生态危机是人们的活动造成的,对它的治理,也得靠人们规定一些道德规范来认认真真地约束自己的行为。这就使得环境问题与伦理道德问题发生关系,出现所谓“环境伦理学”。本文要谈的环境整体主义(Enviromental Holism)就是属于环境伦理学中的一个带哲学色彩的理论问题。全球性问题,顾名思义,是需要全球的人通力合作去解决的。所以生态学家不得不是公共道德的倡导者,有的人甚至是“全球”主义者,呼吁“人类的意识应该领先于阶级意识和民族意识”(罗马俱乐部主席奥·佩奇:《世界的未来——关于未来问题一百页》,中国对外翻
First, ecologists care about the public interest In the current global issues, the ecological environment is one of the most threatening issues. Ecological crisis is caused by people’s activities, its governance, but also by people to set some code of ethics to seriously confine their behavior. This makes the environmental problems and ethical issues related to the emergence of so-called “environmental ethics.” The Enviromental Holism to be discussed in this article belongs to a philosophical theoretical issue in environmental ethics. Global issues, as the name suggests, need to be solved through concerted efforts by people around the world. So ecologists have to be advocates of public morality, and some even “global” advocates that “human consciousness should precede class consciousness and national consciousness” (Chairman of the Roma Club, Ole Page: “The future of the world - About a Hundred Pages on the Future, ”China’s Eversion