洁尔阴具有清热解毒、利湿消肿、止痛止痒的功效,已被临床证实。此外我们体会洁尔阴还有活血祛瘀,通经活络的作用。现举例说明。1 冻伤病中的应用患者,男,25岁。冬季未注意防寒,两足局部性冻伤,受冻部位自觉热、痒、红肿、充血,个别部位出现紫斑,以致影响
Jieer Yin has the effects of heat-clearing, detoxifying, dampness detumescence, pain relief and itching. It has been clinically proven. In addition, we realized that Jieeryin also has blood circulation, through the role of active. Here is an example. 1 Patients with frostbite use, male, 25 years old. In winter, no attention was paid to cold protection, localized frostbite on both feet, sensational heat, itching, redness and congestion in the frozen part, and purple spot on individual parts, resulting in an influence.