【摘 要】
The types and features of fluid inclusions from various types of tungsten deposits are discussed at some length after a brief account on geological setting of t
The types and features of fluid inclusions from various types of tungsten deposits are discussed at some length after a brief account on geological setting of the 23 tungsten mining districts in Nanling, the greatest tungsten-producing area in China. Temp
Preliminary investigation was earried out on the Jilin meteorite for hydrocarbonand nitrogen-bearing organic compounds. It shows that the meteorite contains 68
The present paper primarily deals with DTA data on organic matters in carbonate rocks. In combination with analyzes of organic carbon and bituminous substances
Extinetion positions can be rapidly and accurately determined with interference figures by adjusting the isogyres to the position bisected by eross wire interse
In the light of mineral assemblages, mineralogical generation and genesis of chromite ores, some geochemical aspects are investigated with respect to . relative
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