据媒体报道,2001年一季度全国药品质量抽检结果以中药材质量得分最差,被抽检的中药材品种中,质量不合格率达到25%。换言之,有1/4的中药商品质量不合格。其实,在2000年每季药品质量抽检中,中药得分也是相当差的。 自1984年中药材市场开放以来,中药材市场形成了多元化经营体?
According to media reports, in the first quarter of 2001, the quality inspection results of the nationwide pharmaceutical products ranked the lowest among the quality of Chinese herbal medicines, and the quality of unqualified varieties of Chinese herbal medicines sampled was 25%. In other words, one-fourth of the quality of Chinese medicine products is unqualified. In fact, in the quarterly sampling of drug quality in 2000, the score of Chinese medicine is also quite poor. Since the opening of the Chinese herbal medicine market in 1984, the Chinese herbal medicine market has formed a diversified operating body.