A sea temperature data assimilation system forthe China Seas and adjacent areas is developed based on anested regional ocean circulation model and variational op-timal interpolation assimilation method. A 12-year assimila-tion experiment is performed by using the observationaltemperature profiles from World Ocean Database 1998(WOD98) and ECMWF reanalysis surface wind stress. Ex-perimental results indicate that the variational schemeshows good skill in assimilating the observed sea temperatureinto a regional ocean circulation model. Compared withsimulation alone, the sea temperature data assimilation sig-nificantly improves the performance of a regional oceanmodel and obtains comprehensive description of the circula-tions in the China Seas and adjacent areas. Assimilation re-sults, such as the strength and flowing axis of the Kuroshio,Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass and its corresponding horizon-tal circulation in summer and dipole eddies in the SouthChina Sea in the late summer/early autumn and the east-ward jet between them, are well consistent with the observedevidences.
A sea temperature data assimilation system forthe China Seas and adjacent areas is developed based on anested regional ocean circulation model and variational op-timal interpolation assimilation method. A 12-year assimilation experiment is performed by using the observational profile profiles from World Ocean Database 1998 (WOD98) and ECMWF reanalysis surface wind stress. Ex-perimental results indicate that the variational schemeshows good skill in assimilating the observed sea temperatureinto a regional ocean circulation model. Compared withsimulation alone, the sea temperature data assimilation sig-nificantly improves the performance of a regional oceanmodel and obtaining comprehensive description of the circula-tions in the China Seas and adjacent areas. Assimilation re-sults, such as the strength and flowing axis of the Kuroshio, Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass and its corresponding horizon-tal flow in summer and dipole eddies in the SouthChina Sea in the late summer / early autumn and the east-ward jet between them, are well consistent with the observedevidences.