古浪县地处河西走廊东端,海拔1 550~3 469 m,土壤肥沃、光照充足、水源丰富、气候凉爽、病虫为害轻,是发展高原夏菜的理想区域。近年来,本县大力发展以娃娃菜、蒜苗为主的高原夏菜,种植面积达到2万亩以上。为了提高单位面积种植效益,增加农民收入,笔者等和当地农民一起进行了高效栽培模式试验研究,总结出了蒜苗—娃娃菜一年两茬高效栽培模式。该模式每亩产蒜苗9 000 kg,娃娃菜8 600株,亩
Gulang County is located in the eastern end of the Hexi Corridor, elevation 1,550 ~ 3 469 m, fertile soil, adequate light, abundant water, cool climate, pests and diseases as light, is the ideal area for the development of plateau summer vegetables. In recent years, the county vigorously develop baby dishes, garlic-based plateau summer vegetables, planted area of 20,000 mu or more. In order to improve planting efficiency per unit area and increase farmers’ income, the author carried out an efficient cultivation experiment with local peasants and summed up the efficient cultivation mode of garlic seedlings and baby dolls for two crops a year. This model produces 9,000 kg of garlic per mu and 8,600 baby plants, in acres