研究了煤岩体损伤破坏过程中的能量转化机制,以煤岩体加卸载循环过程中产生的滞回环为桥梁建立了受载煤岩体电磁辐射能与耗散能之间的关系,并利用龙煤集团新陆及峻德煤矿煤样进行了实验室实验验证.结果表明:煤样电磁辐射能累计与对应的耗散能累计(滞回环面积累计)很好的服从y=aln x+b形式的关系,正相关系数多在0.90以上,不同频率天线接收的电磁辐射信号不会对此关系产生实质影响;由于煤岩体内部结构的强离散性,相同矿区相邻取样点的煤样在整个破坏过程中产生的电磁辐射累计能量存在一定的差异,对应的耗散能也有所不同,但总体上两者呈正相关关系.
The energy conversion mechanism in the process of damage and destruction of coal and rock mass was studied. The relationship between the electromagnetic radiation energy and dissipation energy of the loaded coal and rock mass was established by taking the hysteresis loop generated during the process of loading and unloading of coal and rock as the bridge. The results show that the total electromagnetic radiation energy of the coal sample and the corresponding dissipation energy cumulative (hysteresis loop area) are well obeyed in the form of y = aln x + b And the positive correlation coefficient is more than 0.90. The electromagnetic radiation signals received by different frequency antennas do not have a substantial impact on this relationship. Due to the strong dispersion of the internal structure of coal and rock mass, the coal samples from adjacent sampling points in the same mining area are destroyed in the whole destruction The cumulative energy of electromagnetic radiation generated in the process there are some differences, the corresponding dissipated energy is also different, but overall there is a positive correlation between the two.