金色九月,大地丰收。9月26日天刚亮,河南周口沈丘县付井镇,由1 000台东方红拖拉机组成的秋收车队,就开始浩浩荡荡地驶向全国各地,正式拉开今年秋收序幕。这是每年秋收时节,中国广袤土地上最靓丽的风景线。在此之前,各地农民已经掀起了购买东方红拖拉机的热潮。除了在东北、西北、中原等传统农业区域热销,今年东方红拖拉机在南方市场也供不应求。尤其值得注意的是,中国一拖集团有限公司(以下简称中国一拖)引领中国农业装备新一轮转型升级的东方红动力换挡拖拉机,今年已经累计销售
Golden September, the earth harvest. On the morning of September 26, the autumn harvest team composed of 1 000 Dongfanghong tractors headed for Fujing Town in Shenqiu County, Zhoukou, Henan Province, began to march vigorously to all parts of the country and officially opened this autumn harvest. This is the annual autumn harvest season, the vast land of China’s most beautiful scenery. Prior to this, peasants across the country have set off a wave of buying Dongfanghong tractors. In addition to the northeast, northwest, Central Plains and other traditional agricultural areas selling this year, Dongfanghong tractor in the South market is in short supply. It is noteworthy that China YTO Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as China YTO) is leading the new round of transformation and upgrading of China’s agricultural equipment Dongfanghong power shift tractors this year has accumulated sales