Objective To study the dynamic repair of chromosome damage induced by γ-rays in human normal liver cells. Methods The precocious chromosome agglutination technique was used to study the dynamic repair process of human normal liver cells within 48 hours after chromosomal damage caused by γ-ray irradiation. Results The numbers of rupture of primary chromatid and the number of rupture of isodose dyed monomer increased with the increase of irradiation dose, and the number of chromatid cleavage was significantly more than that of chromatid dying at irradiation. After 24 hours of continuous culture, The injury was repaired in varying degrees, and about 50% of the chromatid breaks were repaired, while the repair rate of the isochromatic chondriosomes was up to 15%. After 48 hours of irradiation, the level of chromosome damage was not significant compared with that of 24h difference. Conclusions The main form of chromosome damage after irradiated by γ-rays in hepatocytes is the chromatid fragmentation, which is easy to repair. Although the number of iso-chromatid fragmentation is small, the repair is difficult. Tip chromosome cleavage is the cell by γ-ray irradiation after death and cancer is an important factor.